In March 2021, Paradigm Norton acquired two new firms – Tower Hill Associates and Clover Wealth Management. Both are outstanding businesses, where their focus on client care mirrors Paradigm Norton.
Over the last 18-24 months, the firm has been strengthening its senior team, with a new head of people, head of technical, head of marketing and head of tax department.
Ruth Sturkey launched a podcast series, Money Espresso, a no-froth conversation on life and money which both participants and listeners seem to appreciate.
The firm thrived through lockdown, avoiding the need to furlough any team member. It introduced weekly ‘partner huddles’ where everyone had the opportunity to re-group for an hour on a Friday morning and where it introduced the team to new members, provided a monthly update on the finances of the firm or articulated a new initiative.
Over the last 18 months it has successfully launched impact and ESG portfolios and is now regularly being invited to events as key platform speakers on this very subject.